A private health service for women

Remote appointments available for women across England

Face to face appointments in Bath

and the South Cotswolds

Sirona Health promises to provide a compassionate, empowering, and personalised healthcare experience for you, focusing on your unique needs and supporting your journey toward holistic well-being

Women’s Health Consultation

  • 30 minutes

  • £125 remote, £165 home visit

Holistic Health Assessment

  • Pre-appointment clinician review of questionnaire

    Initial consultation up to 1 hour

    Follow up consultation up to 30 minutes

  • £375 remote, £495 home visit

Annual Health Screening

  • Initial consultation up to 45 minutes, follow up consultation up to 30 minutes

  • £310 remote, £410 home visit


Our most popular profiles are listed here.

Depending on the investigations you require you may have the option of:

1) Capillary home testing or self-taken swabs

2) Booking an appointment at a phlebotomy clinic (£45)

3) Having a nurse visit you at a location of your choosing (£60)

In addition we are able to arrange an extensive list of investigations through our laboratories which we can quote to you on an individual basis.

We can also arrange a referral to your local private hospital or imaging centre on request.

  • £105


    FSH, LH, Prolactin, SHBG, Testosterone, FAI, TSH, FT4

  • £90


    Full blood count, Iron studies, TSH, FT4, FSH, LH, Testosterone, SHBG, FAI

  • Ziwig Endotest £850

  • £250


    Liver function test, Full blood count, Kidney function, Coeliac screen, hsCRP, Faecal calprotectin

    < 50 yr Faecal caprotectin

    >50 yr CA125, QFIT, iron profile

  • £79


    CA125, Urine microscopy & culture, Kidney function

  • £200


    Full blood count, Iron studies, TSH, FT4, hsCRP, Vitamin D, CA125, HbA1c, Coeliac screen

  • £50


    Lipid profile, hsCRP, HbA1c, Liver function profile

  • £130


    Iron studies, Kidney function, Lipid Profile, Liver function, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, hsCRP, Magnesium, Uric acid, FBC, HbA1c, FSH, LH

    (testosterone, SHBG, FAI included for women under 50 or on testosterone replacement)

  • £100


    Full blood count, Iron studies, TSH, FT4, Testosterone, SHBG, FAI, FSH, LH, Lipid profile, hsCRP, HbA1c

  • £156


    11 genes involved in oestrogen biosynthesis, oestrogen metabolism, and phase I and phase II detoxification, providing information to guide personalised diet, lifestyle, hormone, and nutra-ceutical recommendations.

  • £345


  • £30

  • £25