Complaints Policy

Stage 1

Complaints can be either verbal or in writing. If make a verbal complaint we need to make a written record of it. We will then share this with you so you can agree the content. You complaint record will be retained for 10 years but will not routinely be stored as part of clinical records. This is to avoid future prejudice and may also be necessary as part of clinician confidentiality.

To help us ensure we adequately address your complaint it can be helpful if you provide the following information in your complaint:

  • Who or what has caused your concerns including the name and position of staff member.

  • Where and when the events took place.

  • What action you have already taken, if any.

  • What outcome you want from your complaint.

Complaints must be made:

  • within 12 months after the date when the matter happened that is the subject of the complaint

  • the date when complainant knew they had cause to complain, if more than 12 months later.

Sirona Health will acknowledge any complaints made no later than the third working day after receiving them.

You should receive a full written response to your complaint within 20 working days of making it or regular updates every 20 working days where there is a delay in the investigation being carried out.

Stage 2

If you remains dissatisfied, your complaint is then considered by the Independent Doctor’s Federation Complaints Manager, seeking input from both parties.

The aim is to review the investigation and complete this stage within three months. The review will be conducted by a senior member of staff who was not involved in the handling of the complaint at stage 1 or involved in the daily operation of the hospital/clinic. Relevant documents will be reviewed, interviews with staff may be requested and you may be invited to a meeting. You should receive a full, written response within 20 working days and any reasons for a delay. You may be offered a resolution to your complaint at the review stage.

Stage 3

If, after stages 1 and 2, you are still dissatisfied, you may request independent adjudication of the complaint at ISCAS. At this stage, you are asked to sign a ‘Statement of understanding and consent’, thereby agreeing to the parameters of Stage 3.

ISCAS provides independent adjudication. You should apply for this in writing and can find ISCAS contact details here: Give details of your complaint which have not been resolved and reasons for requesting adjudication. You can use the letter you wrote at stage 1, but highlight any aspects of your complaint that remain unresolved. Adjudicators will not consider any issues unless they have previously been raised with the independent healthcare provider (except concerns about the way they have handled the complaint). Provide copies of all documents, correspondence and/or clinical records that you wish to be considered and the outcomes you would like. You should receive a written acknowledgement within three working days of submitting your request for independent external adjudication. The healthcare provider will be informed that you wish to escalate your complaint and has ten working days in which to object. In most cases complaints proceed to this stage without any objection. ISCAS will ask you for permission for the healthcare provider to send them a copy of your medical records. Access to patient records is restricted to only those people who need it and there are strict guidelines about how records are kept, who can access them and when they are destroyed. You will need to give written consent for the records to be obtained. Once ISCAS has gained your consent for the independent healthcare provider to provide ISCAS with all your case records and clinical records, an Independent Adjudicator will be assigned to your complaint.

There is no appeal against the decisions reached by the Independent Adjudicator. You can complain if you believe that ISCAS or the Adjudicator failed to carry out the procedure of adjudication properly.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss further how the practice will handle any complaints.