Chaperone Policy

Intimate examinations are likely to include examinations of breasts, genitalia and rectum, but could also include any examination where it is necessary to touch or examine intimate parts of your body digitally, or even be close to you.
Intimate examinations or procedures can be embarrassing or distressing for you as a patient.

Prior to an examination Sirona Health Ltd will:

  • explain to you why an examination is necessary and give you an opportunity to ask questions.

  • consider and address any communication barriers that could impact on your experience or understanding of an intimate examination.

  • explain what the examination will involve in a way that you can understand, so that you have a clear idea of what to expect, including any pain or discomfort.

  • explain to you that you can ask at any time for the examination to stop .

  • offer you a chaperone and explain what the chaperone’s role would be during the examination. 

The chaperone’s role is to be:

  • sensitive and respect your dignity and confidentiality

  • alert to you showing signs of distress or discomfort 

  • aware of the most appropriate route to raise concerns and do so if they are concerned about the medical professional’s behaviour or actions.

Sirona Health Ltd will ensure that the chaperone is: 

  • trained for the role they are undertaking

  • familiar with the procedures involved in the proposed examination or briefed in advance

  • able to stay for the whole examination and be able to see what the medical professional is doing, as much as practical without obstructing the examination or interfering with your dignity.

Your relative or friend is not a trained impartial observer and so would not usually be a suitable chaperone. However, the presence of a chaperone does not override your wish to be supported by a relative, friend or advocate. Sirona Health Ltd will comply with a reasonable request from you to have such a person present as well as a chaperone.

If no suitable chaperone is available, or if either of you is uncomfortable with the choice of chaperone, Sirona Health may offer to delay the examination to a later date when a suitable chaperone will be available, as long as the delay would not adversely affect your health.

If you would like any further information about our chaperone policy then please contact us.