Empowerment in health & wellbeing
Wellness is “an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices towards, a more successful existence. Wellness is holistic and multidimensional and includes emotional, occupational, physical, spiritual, intellectual and social aspects”.
Empowerment can give you the ability to better self-manage your situation and have more influence over your determinants of health. It can also help you move beyond a diagnosis, rebuild your life after treatment, and gain confidence in challenging situations. You are the expert in your own lived experience, which is why collaboration and critical dialogue are essential in achieving empowerment. At Sirona Health, collaboration is valued, as it plays a crucial role in empowering individuals.
Our goal at Sirona Health is to facilitate your personal growth through a straightforward process that encompasses four steps:
Gain critical awareness and evaluate your current situation.
Align your motivations with your current situation and your future goals.
Make a choice about how to proceed.
Apply your plan to achieve your objectives.
To help you through these steps, we rely on three pillars:
Promoting greater awareness of self and others.
Providing you with relevant information.
Creating an environment that encourages learning.
Increasing awareness has numerous benefits, including greater resourcefulness, autonomy, and empowerment. Our process involves exploring feelings, narratives, beliefs, and assumptions to help you better manage major challenges and significant life events. This may require a considerable amount of energy, as maintaining health through transitions can be demanding. Stress, anxieties, and other heightened emotional responses can have immediate and long-term consequences, which is why it's essential to challenge your own views and beliefs.
At Sirona Health, we believe that the relationship between you and your healthcare professional is the most critical factor in effective medical intervention. That's why compassion is one of our core values. We strive to provide a professional and supportive relationship that is built on trust, understanding, and safety.
Motivation is a crucial aspect of achieving goals, and it can come from either intrinsic or extrinsic sources. Extrinsic motivation can be further divided into controlled motivation and autonomous motivation. Controlled motivation is driven by societal expectations, while autonomous motivation is driven by personal value and enjoyment. We will work with you to explore your motivations and ensure that they align with your goals.